Hand Crafted, high quality Hawaiian & novelty shirts.

Specialty Shirts

The Specialty category is for shirts that have matched fronts, often matched backs and depending on the design, the sides will line up (not matched). These are features you will rarely find in a shirt that is commercially-made or mass produced. The finished shirt will really be special.

We have also included “hybrids” in this category as well as many one-of-a-kind, hard-to-find or out-of-print fabric.  Many of the specialty shirts are made with Spoonflower fabric. This company only prints the design when a customer orders it, therefore the customer will usually have the only one (from Moon Dog).  Ordinary is not what Moon Dog is about and we pride ourselves in our rare designs.

Please check out a few of our designs. Just give us a call at 512-992-8378  or 512-507-2652 when you are ready to order.